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Mr. Howard Moore, Director of Tennis for Saddlebrook Tennis Academy and Professional Tennis Coach visited THSI

Oct 19,2018

THSI’s Sports Development Center was delighted to be able to bring Mr. Howard Moore, Director of Tennis for Saddlebrook Tennis Academy and Professional Tennis Coach to THSI. Coach Moore’s expertise was on display as he worked with the THSI’s International Tennis Academy coaches and students on Thursday.

The SDC and Saddlebrook share a proud partnership and collaborate in a variety of ways to support our ITA program and Saddlebrook. Coach exchanges and professional development, like we had today, are fantastic ways to help both partners grow, learn and provide the best possible instruction for our students.

Coach Moore’s enthusiasm and high energy was contagious as we saw not only the Sports Development Center Athletic Head, Immanuel Chen participate but also THSI’s own Executive Head, Mandy Zhang was seen on the court hitting a few balls and participating in a couple of different drills that Coach Moore was demonstrating.

THSI Executive Head, Mandy Zhang exclaimed,

"Coach Moore has so much passion for coaching that it is exciting to watch him coach and work with the ITA staff. I had a great opportunity today to participate and see first-hand the effects of great coaching and teaching. Coach Moore makes learning fun for everyone and after a few fun demonstration drills I found my swing improving. We are proud of our partnership with Saddlebrook and look forward to providing our ITA coaches and our ITA students with continued world class tennis training. The journey of THSI-ITA is just starting. I would like to invite you to jump on board with us, as a student or as a family, to rock the Chinese National Tennis Center exploring the beauty of tennis."

Demonstration of drills, breaking specific skills down into their components, moving from simple to complex or through a natural progression of skills and diagnosing players strengths and challenges were discussed with the ITA coaches. More importantly, it was not only discussed, but it was instead there were many opportunities for the coaches to implement what was being discussed. All the coaches had several chances to lead drills as coaches, participate as students in drills and diagnose players’ swings at various levels in a real training situation. This was a “hands-on” training where everyone learned by doing.

“I thought this was a clear demonstration of exactly what world class coaching looks like and sounds like. Howard Moore is a professional tennis coach and today we all saw why. It was truly impressive.” remarked ITA Coach Ivan.

“The journey of THSI-ITA is just starting. I would like to invite you to jump on board with us, as a student or as a family, to rock the Chinese National Tennis Center exploring the beauty of tennis."said Mandy Zhang

Text: Tim Wedge

Photo: Zhang Xu

Review: Wu Jin

Proofread: Cheng Weihang

Edit: Administrative Management Center

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